Darkest dungeon hellion gameplay
Darkest dungeon hellion gameplay

darkest dungeon hellion gameplay

Enemy Bleed Resistance is thirty-three percent more effective.Deals twenty-five percent more damage while in the front rank.Increases maximum HP by twenty percent.Howling End makes for a great finisher if the enemy survives, push back to the front with Toe To Toe or Breakthrough, then pop Adrenaline Rush to clear the Hellion's Winded tokens and get a heal! Empowered with Strength tokens, she can easily one-shot lesser enemies in those positions. Wicked Hack and Iron Swan give the Hellion unique coverage for a melee character, allowing her to deal good damage to any but the third rank of enemies. Increases crit chance to fifteen percent.Increases minimum damage by two and maximum damage by four.The Hellion gains 10 Death Resistance for three turns.

darkest dungeon hellion gameplay

Heals the Hellion for an additional five percent of her HP.Removes an additional point of Stress from the Hellion.If the Hellion's HP is at or below one-third of its maximum, she heals for twenty percent.Any allies with five or more Stress lose one well.If the Hellion's Stress it five or higher, she loses two Stress.The target cannot gain Block tokens for two rounds.Ignores and removes Guarded tokens on target.The Hellion gains twenty percent Bleed Resistance for five turns.The Hellion deals an additional ten percent bonus damage to Bleeding targets.For the next five turns, the Hellion deals twenty percent more damage to Bleeding targets.Increases minimum damage by two and maximum damage by one.Combo bonus: Ignores up to 30 Bleed Resistance.Also removes Blight and Burn from the Hellion.Heals an additional five percent of the Hellion's HP when used.For the next three turns, the Hellion heals for twenty percent of her maximum HP whenever she attacks.Removes Bleed and Winded from the Hellion.The Hellion recovers twenty percent of her maximum HP.Can only be used if the Hellion's HP is at or below one-third its maximum.The Hellion moves forward one space and becomes Immobilized.Inflicts two additional Bleed on the target.Combo bonus: ignores up to 30 Bleed Resistance.Combo bonus: Inflicts Stun on both targets.Both targets gain an additional Weakness token.Ignores and removes Stealth from both targets.Combo bonus: deals fifty percent more damage.

Darkest dungeon hellion gameplay